Pulasaki County, January 10: A 26-year-old female teacher working at a school in Laquey was arrested on Friday, January 5 on charges of raping and sexually abusing a 16-year-old high school student. The accused Hailey Nichelle Clifton-Carmack, was arrested in Garden Ridge after being accused of fleeing post the incident came to light. The victim's father who was aware of the relationship was also apprehended and charged for allowing his minor son to get sexually involved with the teacher.

According to The Sun, the accused, Carmack, had been working as a Math teacher at Laquey High School for around a year-and-a-half and it was her first teaching job. Earlier, she was accused of being too close with her students. Acting on a tip-off that Clifton-Carmack was going to meet with the student before she left for Texas, the police laid a trap and nabbed the accused in Garden Ridge. Carmack is now facing second-degree statutory rape, sexual contact with a student and fourth-degree child molestation charges and her bail bond is set at USD 250,000. US Shocker: Woman Teacher in New York City Arrested on Rape Charges for Having Sex With 14-Year-Old Student.

As per several reports, the incident came to light after a student reported about the alleged sexual relationship between a teacher and a 16-year-old boy to a school worker. Following this, the school employee reported the whole matter to the police. Subsequently, the accused's phone was seized and  messages involving her and the alleged victim was unearthed by cops. US Shocker: Six Female Teachers Arrested For Sexual Misconduct With Students Over Two Days.

The case took even a darker turn after it was revealed that the boy's father knew about the relationship and encouraged it. He purportedly used students as lookouts while his son and the teacher engaged in sexual activities. The police said the accused father allowed the relationship to continue and even permitted the teacher to visit his house. Post arrest, the father of the victim was charged with first-degree child endangerment and USD 50,000 was set as bail bond.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 10, 2024 07:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).