Devon, September 14: In a harrowing case of obsessive stalking, Sophie Colwill, a 30-year-old nurse, has been sentenced after her relentless pursuit of former partner David Pagliero escalated to alarming levels. Colwill, who had previously worked with Pagliero at the Smile Dental Centre, bombarded him with up to 1,000 phone calls in a single day. Her disturbing behaviour also included placing a tracking device on his car and breaking into his 1.35 million pounds (i.e., INR 14.86 Crore) home in Exeter, Devon. The intrusion reached its peak when she waited for him in his bedroom, creating a traumatic ordeal for Pagliero. 

Sophie Colwill's troubling behaviour began after her breakup with David Pagliero, a 54-year-old dentist she had previously worked and with whom she had initially sought companionship following the death of his wife. According to a report by the Mirror, Colwill's fixation led her to make up to 1,000 phone calls in a single day, relentlessly harassing Pagliero. She also placed a tracking device on his car, which allowed her to follow him to various locations, including a service station. Her behaviour escalated as she began to worry Pagliero with her constant presence. UK Shocker: Pregnant Woman Pushed Off Bench by 2 Schoolboys at Bus Stop Suffers Miscarriage.

In a disturbing turn, Colwill broke into Pagliero's £1.35 million home, where she waited for him in his bedroom. During this intrusion, Colwill attempted to take Pagliero’s mobile phone, resulting in a physical struggle. The situation peaked when she fled through a window after the confrontation. Pagliero, in his victim impact statement, described the ordeal as traumatic and explained how he lived in constant fear of her following him, as reported by the Mirror. UK Shocker: Student Dies Using Two to Three 'Big Bottles' of Laughing Gas Everyday.

Despite the severity of her actions, including the invasion of Pagliero's private space and constant phone calls, Colwill received a 20-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. Additionally, she was issued a five-year restraining order barring her from contacting Pagliero or approaching his home and workplace. Pagliero, although distressed, urged the court to be lenient, reflecting his wish to avoid further harm to Colwill despite the extensive impact of her actions. 

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