Islamabad, Jun 15: Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's (PTI) had to issue a clarification after it was trolled for streaming a press conference on Facebook with the 'cat' filter on. A newser called by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Minister of Information Shaukat Yousafzai and his colleagues on Friday quite literally turned into a cat show after the filter got activated during live streaming, super-imposing ears and whiskers on ministers' faces.
Calling itself "pioneers of social media in Pakistan," the official statement by PTI said, "we not only pride ourselves in bringing Pakistani Politics to the internet but also feel content in setting high standards of SOPs and etiquette with the help of our dedicated volunteer based SM force."The screenshots of the press conference went viral with netizens poking fun at the gaffe."Who let the cats out," commented one Twitter user. Pakistan Minister Shaukat Yousafzai Accidentlly Shown with Cat Ears, Whiskers on Facebook Live Streaming.
The backlash led PTI to, well, purr, "SM Disciplinary committee probed the matter first hand and concluded the incident as "a human error" by one of our hard working volunteer. All necessary actions have been taken to avoid such incident in future with a great emphasis on strict enforcement of SOPs and protocol for live coverage by the ground teams."The incident took place a day after Prime Minister Imran Khan made headlines with his diplomatic embarrassment at the SCO summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Khan walked and sat during the opening ceremony of the summit even as world leaders were supposed to remain standing and welcome the head of the host state.