Born in Mauritius, I have been travelling all around the world giving Darshans since the age of 15 says, Paramahamsa Vishwananda.

Revolutionary Guru and the founder of Bhakti Marga, Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s story narrates like something out of mythology. Since his childhood, he has had several encounters with the “Divine.” At the age of 15, Divine Mother asked him to move to Germany. He established Bhakti Marga in the year 2005.

It all started when he was about 5 years old when he ate a poisonous seed and got very sick. “I was rushed to the hospital. While I was at the hospital, I noticed a man outside the window giving candies to all the children. I marched up to him and asked him what he was doing there? He said he came to see all the children as well as me. He gave me a piece of candy and a coin. He quietly said to me, ‘Look behind me, do you see that Light?’ I looked and saw there was no light, so he said ‘No?’ The man said, ‘Look again but now look properly.’ This time, I did see a light but the light I witnessed was even brighter than the sun. The man then said, ‘This light is you.’ That was my first meeting with Mahavatar Babaji and of course there have been many more such meetings, says Vishwananda.

On speaking of his childhood, he quotes “As a child, I was only interested in God. My mother and father wanted a normal child but I was different. I would always run to temples. I would collect money to purchase the images of the holy saints and deities. I would bring the pictures home and use the chewing gum to stick them on the wall. I knew my mother would not like me praying so I had made a secret temple under my bed. Every day, I would sneak under my bed to pray.

Once, before starting my prayers, I decided to light a candle just like how the temples do. I took the candle under the bed with me and the candle flame burnt my bed and I got myself into a big trouble for doing that but then I eventually moved my temple out into the open post the incident.

As I grew older, these special kinds of things happened more frequently. At first, my mother was scared but we had an aunt in the family who was aware of these things. One day, when the kids were jumping with me on the bed vibhuti started to pour from my hand. Growing up, I had many such experiences but I did not know that the others could not manifest things. For me it was very easy and came naturally.” Since then, Paramahamsa Vishwananda has collected followers in large number across the globe.

He has his ashram at Vrindavan and has started constructing one at Pandharpur. Paramahamsa Vishwananda will be giving a Darshan at Surat on the 26th of February, 2023 and Vrindavan on the 5th of March, 2023. “Darshan is the essence of my life where I connect to the soul and allow Giridhari to bring the change from humanity to divinity,” adds Guruji.