Mumbai, December 5: In a bizarre incident, a 33-year-old actress who allegedly consumed Amazonian frog venom "Kambo" in Mexico died after starting to vomit. The unfortunate incident occurred on Saturday, November 3. The deceased actress has been identified as Marcela Alcazar Rodriguez. It is learned that Rodriguez reportedly died after she ingested Amazonian frog venom as part of a spiritual ritual.
According to a report in Metro, the 33-year-old actress consumed "Kambo" - a deadly poison that is consumed by South American natives for toxin cleansing when she was in Mexico. It is reported that Marcela Alcazar Rodriguez started vomiting and even had severe diarrhoea, which are said to be part of the body's reactions while going through the "healing". 3 US Army Soldiers Arrested on Human Smuggling Charges Along Border with Mexico.
Witnesses said that initially Rodriguez refused help when she felt ill but later agreed when her friend came to see her. She was immediately rushed to Red Cross hospital, where she died later. The late actress was identified by the Mexican production company Mapache Films, which took to Instagram to pay a tribute to her. "With deep regret, we mourn the death of our beloved colleague and friend, Marcela Alcázar Rodríguez," the company said in Spanish.
As per the report, the "Kambo" ritual requires the person to drink plenty of water and creating burns on the skin followed by putting mucus from the frog on them. It is alleged that the frog's poison triggers the body to vomit and defecate to combat the venom as heartrate and blood pressure increases. It is also found that a shaman at the retreat in Mayocoyani, Durango, allegedly told Rodriguez that she could not leave has reportedly fled. Mexico Shocker: ‘Dead Girl’ Wakes Up at Her Funeral, Dies Hours Later.
Meanwhile, the police have launched a manhunt to nab the shaman. In November 2022, the US National Park Service advised people to not lick Sonoran Desert toad in order to get high.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 05, 2024 12:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website