King Cake

Epiphany 2022 Recipes: Delicious Desserts to Eat and Celebrate Three Kings Day

By Team LatestlyJanuary 05, 2022
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Rosca de Reyes

Rosca de Reyes

It is a tradition for Mexicans to eat a special cake called 'Rosca de Reyes' (Three Kings Cake) with "Rosca" meaning "wreath" and "reyes" meaning "kings."

Image Credit: Flickr
La galette Des Rois

La galette Des Rois

The Galette des rois ('king cake') is a dessert traditionally served in French households on January 6 to observe Feast of the Epiphany.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Strawberry and Banana Pancake

Strawberry and Banana Pancake

You can never go wrong with amazing pancakes. If you do not want to go elaborate, you can try tasty strawberry and banana pancake!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Bolo Rei

Bolo Rei or Portuguese Christmas Fruit Cake is the King's Cake is a traditional Portuguese sweet bread, with nuts and fruit candies.

Image Credit: Flickr

King Cake

A king cake, also known as a three king's cake, is a cake associated in many countries with Epiphany.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
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