TV actor & model Sameer Sharma was found dead on the night of August 5 at his Mumbai home, police said. The 44-year-old actor, seen in Balaji Telefilms' popular TV shows ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ and ‘Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki’, was found hanging in the kitchen of his Malad flat. The police suspect that Sharma killed himself. Sooraj Pancholi, whose name was dragged in the Disha Salian death case, has once again found himself making headlines on a news channel. Pancholi got dragged again when a picture of his with his friend was used as a proof to show he knew Disha. Sooraj took to Instagram to publish an angry post calling out the news channel for not getting their facts right. Satish Salian, father of late celebrity manager Disha Salian wrote a letter to Mumbai Police on August 5 alleging harassment and atrocity by the media to his family. Disha was the manager of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh. Alia Bhatt shared the first poster of her upcoming film Sadak 2. The poster features Alia and her co-stars Sanjay Dutt and Aditya Roy Kapur walking down a picturesque road. Sadak 2 will release on Disney + Hotstar on August 28. Sadak 2 is directed by Mahesh Bhatt and it also stars Pooja Bhatt. Bobby Deol's much talked about digital debut - Class Of '83 - is all set to premiere on Netflix on August 21. Rana Daggubati and his fiancee Miheeka Bajaj's wedding festivities have already begun and we can't keep calm. The couple will reportedly get married on August 8 in Hyderabad. Some stunning pictures from Miheeka Bajaj's haldi ceremony has surfaced on the internet and they are every bit dreamy. Hardik Pandya and actor Natasa Stankovic welcomed their first child on July 30. Hardik has thanked the doctors at the hospital where his son was born. Akshay Kumar accompanied by his wife Twinkle Khanna and kids - Aarav and Nitara - left for the United Kingdom on August 6. The actor will shoot his film, Bell Bottom there.
TV Actor Sameer Sharma Found Dead; Sooraj Pancholi Blasts News Channel In Disha Salian Case
TV actor & model Sameer Sharma was found dead on the night of August 5 at his Mumbai home, police said. The 44-year-old actor, seen in Balaji Telefilms' popular TV shows ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ and ‘Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki’, was found hanging in the kitchen of his Malad flat. The police suspect that Sharma killed himself. Sooraj Pancholi, whose name was dragged in the Disha Salian death case, has once again found himself making headlines on a news channel. Pancholi got dragged again when a picture of his with his friend was used as a proof to show he knew Disha. Sooraj took to Instagram to publish an angry post calling out the news channel for not getting their facts right. Satish Salian, father of late celebrity manager Disha Salian wrote a letter to Mumbai Police on August 5 alleging harassment and atrocity by the media to his family. Disha was the manager of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh. Alia Bhatt shared the first poster of her upcoming film Sadak 2. The poster features Alia and her co-stars Sanjay Dutt and Aditya Roy Kapur walking down a picturesque road. Sadak 2 will release on Disney + Hotstar on August 28. Sadak 2 is directed by Mahesh Bhatt and it also stars Pooja Bhatt. Bobby Deol's much talked about digital debut - Class Of '83 - is all set to premiere on Netflix on August 21. Rana Daggubati and his fiancee Miheeka Bajaj's wedding festivities have already begun and we can't keep calm. The couple will reportedly get married on August 8 in Hyderabad. Some stunning pictures from Miheeka Bajaj's haldi ceremony has surfaced on the internet and they are every bit dreamy. Hardik Pandya and actor Natasa Stankovic welcomed their first child on July 30. Hardik has thanked the doctors at the hospital where his son was born. Akshay Kumar accompanied by his wife Twinkle Khanna and kids - Aarav and Nitara - left for the United Kingdom on August 6. The actor will shoot his film, Bell Bottom there.
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City | Petrol | Diesel |
New Delhi | 96.72 | 89.62 |
Kolkata | 106.03 | 92.76 |
Mumbai | 106.31 | 94.27 |
Chennai | 102.74 | 94.33 |
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PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Swabhiman Flats for Dwellers of JJ Clusters in Delhi’s Ashok Vihar (Watch Videos)
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‘Sonic the Hedgehog 3′ Movie Review: Keanu Reeves’ Shadow Brings Gravitas to a Fun but Formulaic Adventure (LatestLY Exclusive)
City | Petrol | Diesel |
New Delhi | 96.72 | 89.62 |
Kolkata | 106.03 | 92.76 |
Mumbai | 106.31 | 94.27 |
Chennai | 102.74 | 94.33 |
Currency | Price | Change |
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