A 106-year-old woman from Maharashtra's Thane district defeated COVID-19. Anandibai Patil was discharged from the hospital on September 20 with doctors and nurses giving her a clean-bill of health and a warm farewell. With a big smile on her face, Anandibai was photographed proudly displaying her discharge certificate to the media before walking out of the hospital after a 10-day stay.
Dr Rahul Ghule, managing director of ‘One Rupee Clinic’ where the elderly woman was admitted, appreciated his team for taking care of her. Maharashtra cabinet minister Aaditya Thackery took to Twitter to laud the KDMC staff and Shiv Sena's Kalyan MP Shrikant Shinde for providing proper treatment to the elderly woman. The number of cases in Maharashtra has reached 11,88,015 with 32,216 deaths being reported. India is the second most affected country in the world after the United States with 54,00,620 COVID-19 cases of which 92,605 people tested positive for the disease in a day. India’s death count had 86,752 with the virus claiming 1,133 lives in a span of 24 hours. Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan on September 20 informed that over four coronavirus vaccines are in advanced stages of pre-clinical trial in India.