New Delhi: Alongside Mi 11 Ultra, Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi on Monday announced that it is all set to unveil its flagship X series in India on April 23. The company confirmed the news via press invites for an event. CEO Manu Kumar Jain also wrote on Twitter that the flagship series is coming to India. Mi 11X Series To Be Launched Along With Mi 11 Ultra in India Next Week.
"Mi Fans, Xcited that 'X' flagship series is coming to #India!" the CEO tweeted. According to GSMArena, the Mi X series will include rebrands of the Redmi K40 and K40 Pro, launched in China recently, as Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro. Both the smartphones feature a 6.67-inch AMOLED display and come with a 120Hz refresh rate. The smartphones are powered by Snapdragon 800 series chipset and house a 4520mAh battery with support for 33W fast charging.
Mi Fans, Xcited that '✖️' flagship series is coming to #India! 😍
🔥 Xtreme performance
🔥 Xceptional display, camera & sound
🔥 Xquisite design
🔥 Xclusive / customized for India
Xperience them on 23.04.2021.#Mi11 #Mi11Series #Snapdragon #Snapdragon888
I ❤️ Mi #Xiaomi
— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) April 12, 2021
Redmi K40 is available in four storage variants whereas the K40 Pro in three variants. K40 packs a 48MP primary sensor, while K40 Pro has a 64MP primary sensor. Both smartphones feature a 20MP selfie camera. Last month, the Chinese smartphone maker has unveiled its first foldable smartphone, Mi Mix Fold.
The device features an 8.01-inch WQHD (wide quad high definition)+ resolution flexible internal display and a 6.52-inch AMOLED display as the front screen which offers a 90Hz refresh rate, 180Hz touch sampling rate and HD+ resolution. The phone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor and 5020mAh battery and 67W turbo charging support.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 13, 2021 08:35 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website