WhatsApp messaging app has announced its own set of stickers which is set to be rolled out for its Android and iOS user in the coming weeks. The company announced this information in its official blog post on Friday. It is also reported that several iOS users have already received the update. The sticker pack will include stickers such as crying broken heart, smiling teacup and more, created by Whatsapp designers as well as other artists. WhatsApp Stickers for iOS & Android! Here’s How to Enable the Stickers for Chat & Impress Your Loved Ones and Friends.
"From emoji and camera features to status and animated GIFs, we’re always looking to add new features that make communicating with friends and family on WhatsApp easy and fun. Today, we’re excited to introduce a new way for people to express themselves with stickers," said WhatsApp in its blog post. WhatsApp Working on New Feature to Stop Fake News.
WhatsApp Stickers are live for the beta version. Android users can update to version 2.18.329 to access the feature, while iOS users can update to version 2.18.100. To use stickers in chat, users can simply tap on the new sticker icon and select the one you want to share. You can also create some of your own stickers.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 30, 2018 10:25 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).