New Delhi, January 13: WhatsApp, the Meta-owned platform, is reportedly working on a new feature to enhance its user experience. The update is said to introduce a widget for accessing Meta AI. Users can expect easier interactions and better integration with the AI tool.
According to a report of WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is developing a new feature that will include a widget for accessing Meta AI. Tes feature is expected to be introduced in upcoming updates, which will enable users to easily access AI features from their home screens. In the latest WhatsApp beta for Android, version, the company is reportedly working on a feature that will introduce a widget for accessing Meta AI. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform Developing Feature for Managing Chat Message Animations for iOS Users; Check Details.
WhatsApp users who already have access to AI-powered chats, the upcoming widget is expected to offer a simple way to start a conversation with Meta AI from their Home Screen. The new widget will likely be optional and will be included among the various widgets available from WhatsApp. However, it is anticipated that the widget will only be visible to accounts that currently have access to AI-powered chats. Since AI features are currently limited to specific countries and a select group of users, there is a possibility that not everyone may be able to use the widget when it is launched. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform To Introduce Dedicated Tab for AI-Powered Chats; Check Details.
Meta AI Widget Features (Expected)
The Meta AI widget is expected to provide a quick link that allows users to open a chat with Meta AI. It will help users to ask questions or interact with the AI in various ways. Additionally, it may include a shortcut for users to take a photo instantly and share it with Meta AI. The feature could enable users to request the AI chatbot to edit the photo, explain what it shows, or answer any questions related to the image.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2025 02:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website