New Delhi, December 31: WhatsApp, the Meta-owned platform, is reportedly working on a new reverse image search feature for its web users. The new WhatsApp feature will likely make it easier for users to verify the authenticity of images shared on the platform. The update could help users to trace the origin of an image to avoid growing concerns about misinformation.

As per a report of WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is working on a reverse image search feature for its web users. WhatsApp is looking to add a new feature that will enable users to search for images on the web. The feature is expected to be included in a future update. It is said that WhatsApp Web users will be able to upload images to Google and check their authenticity from the app to verify the source of images. WhatsApp New Features List 2024: From Meta AI Integration to Giphy Stickers and Video Call Filters, Know Amazing Features Introduced This Year.

When WhatsApp users forward images that they have received from others, they might misled by these images because of a lack of context or misleading information. The issue can often be addressed by performing a web search to find more accurate details. To make the process easier, WhatsApp plans to introduce a feature that will allow users to conduct a reverse image search from the app, rather than having to download the image and then upload it to Google manually.

WhatsApp Web Reverse Image Seach Feature

The feature is expected to streamline the process and may help users to verify the authenticity of the images they share. If the image is discovered online, users will be able to assess its authenticity by comparing it with the information available on the original website. The feature will likely assist users to determine whether the image has been edited, altered, or taken from its original context. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform Working on ‘Chat With Us’ Feature To Allow Users To Contact Support Team Through Web Client.

When a user chooses to search for an image online, WhatsApp will upload the image to Google with the user's permission to initiate a reverse image search in the default browser. Google will reportedly handle the image upload, and WhatsApp will not have access to the image's content for the process. Users will be informed about the sharing process with Google through an alert to outline the policy and seek their consent beforehand.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 31, 2024 01:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website