New Delhi, January 7: Meta-owned platform WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out a new feature to enhance the user experience by showing website icons for shared links. The WhatsApp new feature will likely make link sharing visually appealing and easier to identify. The update seems to streamline communication and provide a clearer context for links shared in chats by which users can expect to quickly recognise the websites being referenced.
As per a report of WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is rolling out a feature to display website icons for shared links. The feature is now available to some beta testers who are using the latest version of WhatsApp for Android The update will likely help users quickly identify the source of a link without opening it. It can add convenience and may improve the clarity in chats, especially in groups where multiple links are often shared. WhatsApp New Features List 2024: From Meta AI Integration to Giphy Stickers and Video Call Filters, Know Amazing Features Introduced This Year.
Some beta testers are reportedly having the opportunity to try out the new feature that displays the favicon for shared links next to the domain name. A favicon is a graphical representation that represents a website, usually found in the browser tab next to the site title. It serves as a visual indicator, which helps users to recognise the source of a link. It is much like how a company logo is shown on the homepage of their website. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform Rolling Out New Feature To Simplify Group Chat and Community Creation; Check Details.
While the presence of a favicon can help users identify a website visually, it does not ensure that the site is trustworthy or that it contains the expected content. Users should remain cautious when clicking on links received in conversations, whether it is from unknown numbers or from their contacts and groups. Even with the added visual confirmation of a favicon, it is important for users to verify URLs and stay vigilant for any suspicious behaviour or unexpected redirects, as these could signal malicious intent or phishing attempts.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 07, 2025 06:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website