Mumbai, February 12: WhatsApp has been introducing new updates to boost the platform's user experience, functionality and security. The Meta-owned WhatsApp has launched features like silencing anonymous messages and reporting users to lower risks. Now, the platform has introduced a new security feature to protect users from phishing scams. Lately, many WhatsApp users have fallen victim to phishing scams, which have compromised their financial and personal data to the scammers.
WhatsApp has launched a new security feature aim to help users to block unknown numbers without opening the chat application. The new WhatsApp security feature will allow users to block these numbers directly from the lock screen. With the help of this WhatsApp feature, users can promptly take action to thwart any phishing attempts by scammers. UPI and RuPay Card Services Launched in Sri Lanka and Mauritius By PM Narendra Modi for Seamless Digital Transactions.
According to the reports, WhatsApp has been engaging customers in actively identifying phishing attempts by checking grammatical errors, having suspicious links and requesting users to provide their personal information. The reports said phishing attempts have recently increased as scammers smartly coax WhatsApp users into clicking malicious links or asking them to provide their information.
WhatsApp currently boasts nearly 2.78 million users globally, and they are all vulnerable to cybercriminals. Mark Zuckerberg-run WhatsApp has previously tried to provide users protection, but now the new update offers additional security to the users in safeguarding their information. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform Working on New ‘Favourite Contacts Filter’ Feature for Web, Allowing Users To Prioritise Conversations and Offer Greater Control in Messaging Experience.
The reports said that the new feature will allow users to block the numbers without opening the WhatsApp application. However, users can also try to block them after opening the app or by adding the numbers to the contact list and reporting them. With the help of this new WhatsApp feature, the platform users can control their privacy from phishing attempts and protect their information.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 12, 2024 04:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website