New Delhi, January 14: WhatsApp, the Meta-owned platform, is reportedly introducing a new feature for its iOS users. The update seems to enhance the way users interact with shared links by displaying the website icons alongside them. The feature is said to make it easier for iOS users to identify the source of shared content.

As per a report of WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is introducing a new feature that will display the website icon for shared links for iOS users. The feature is said to be currently available to select beta testers, which will enable them to try it out before it becomes available to a larger group of users. The latest WhatsApp beta update for iOS, which is available on TestFlight, is said to be introducing a feature to display the website icon for shared links. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform Working To Introduce Widget for Accessing Meta AI.

WhatsApp had previously rolled out the feature for Android users. The feature is expected to assist users to identify the source of a link without opening it. It could enhance clarity in conversations, particularly in group chats where numerous links are frequently shared. Some beta testers are using the new feature that includes favicons. It is a small graphical representation or logo of a website. Favicons are used in web browsers, tabs, bookmarks, and address bars, which help users to identify a website. It acts as a visual cue, which assists users to identify the source of a link. WhatsApp New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Platform To Introduce Dedicated Tab for AI-Powered Chats; Check Details.

While favicons serve as helpful visual indicators for recognising the source of a link, they do not provide real verification of a website's authenticity or safety. A malicious or compromised website could easily use a misleading favicon to manipulate users into believing it is trustworthy. Therefore, users should not rely solely on the favicon when assessing the safety of a link. Users should carefully check the domain name and remain alert about any suspicious or unexpected content to ensure safety while browsing shared links. The approach can be helpful to protect against potential threats for a safe online experience.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 14, 2025 04:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website