New Delhi, March 13: WhatsApp, the messaging platform owned by Meta, is planning to improve its user experience with a new feature. The upcoming feature of WhatsApp might soon allow users to pin more than three chats. This update is expected to give users more flexibility and control over their communications. Also, there is a latest feature on WhatsApp known as "End-to-end encryption". This version of WhatsApp will probably introduce this feature through Google Play Beta Program.
As per a report of Times of India, WhatsApp might soon allow users to pin up to five chats. It is expected to be a part of WhatsApp ongoing attempts to improve its service and suit its user's needs. The ability to pin more chats is seen as aiming at creating a more organised and accessible messaging environment, particularly for those who engage in multiple and simultaneous conversations. This might be appreciated by its users who use the app for personal and professional use. Google Confirms Gemini AI Chatbot Will Not Answer Questions About US Election and Global Elections in 2024: Report.
The upcoming WhatsApp update is expected to be designed to help users keep their most important conversations easily accessible. It is possible to pin top five chats, which will enable people to arrange their messages according to urgency, thus saving them from scrolling through all previous conversations. This function becomes handy for those who use WhatsApp as a business tool since tracking crucial information is very important. Byju’s Granted Time Till March 28 by Karnataka High Court to File Rejoinder to Investors’ Response.
In addition to the increased number of pinnable chats, WhatsApp may also be introducing a privacy feature related to avatar stickers. Users might have the option to control who can use their avatars in stickers, with settings that include "Nobody", "My Contacts" or "Selected Contacts". This feature is anticipated to give users the option to decide how their personal avatars are shared and used, ensuring that their privacy preferences are respected.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 13, 2024 05:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website