WhatsApp, the Meta-owned platform, reportedly introduced new updates for iOS users, including a home screen widget for chat access and camera enhancements. These features are said to make user interaction smoother and convenient. The new features will allow users to access their chats directly from the Home Screen and offer better camera controls for capturing photos.

As per a report of ABP Live, WhatsApp has introduced new updates for iPhone users. The WhatsApp new features will allows users to add a chat widget to their home screen, which will make it easier for users to stay connected. The feature can be useful for users who regularly message specific contacts or groups. The Meta-owned platform will be gradually releasing these updates over the next few weeks. Disney+ and Hulu Pulling Out In-App Purchase Option From App Store; Check Details.

WhatsApp New Feature Update for iPhone Users

As per multiple reports, the feature is now available for iPhone users who have updated their app to version 24.21.8. The update is expected to enhance the user experience by providing quick access to important conversations without the need to open the app each time. WhatsApp has also made improvements to its built-in camera for iOS users. It will now allow users to zoom in and out between 0.5x and 3x when taking photos or recording videos directly within the app. Meta Starts Testing Facial Recognition Technology To Detect and Prevent ‘Celebrity Bait’ Ads on Its Facebook and Instagram; Know How It Will Work.

WhatsApp has also introduced a new feature for its Status updates that will allow users to mention other people easily.  Users can tag their friends or family members by tapping the "@ button" while creating a Status. Apart from these updates, WhatsApp is set to introduce a new feature called "Chat Memory." The feature, powered by Meta's AI, will likely allow the app to remember information shared by users. It is expected to enhance the user experience by recalling individual preferences and interests.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 22, 2024 01:39 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).