WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned instant messaging platform had previously announced a new disappearing messages feature for its users. This new feature is now available for all the Indian users starting today. WhatsApp has been constantly working on improving the user interface and adding new features one after the other. The recently announced 'Disappearing Messages' feature on WhatsApp will automatically make the messages disappear after seven days. However, the other person too needs to enable the feature for you. Interestingly, the company is yet to give an option to set a time frame for disappearing messages. WhatsApp’s New Feature Will Soon Allow Users to Mute Videos Before Sending: Report.
This features for WhatsApp is available on Android, iOS, web and KaiOS. Once the Disappearing Messages feature is enabled for a specific contact, all messages sent including media files, audio files and others will disappear automatically.
However, the company says that media and messages won’t disappear from outside the chat or from any devices they are saved on. It is important to note that messages sent or received before disappearing messages is enabled won’t be affected. Follow these simple steps to enable or disable the new feature on WhatsApp
How to enable WhatsApp disappearing messages on Android or iOS
1. First, you need to open WhatsApp Messenger on your Android or iOS phone. And, then you need to visit the profile of the contact for whom you wish to turn on this feature.
2. After opening the profile, you need to tap on contact's name and now scroll down to find 'Disappearing Messages. In case, you can't find the feature, you might need to check for an update on Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
3. Now, tap on the feature to turn on. And, you will receive a prompt message to make you aware that the messages in the chat will disappear automatically after seven days.
4. If you wish to disable the 'Disappearing Messages' feature, you simply need to follow the same steps.
It is worth noting that users can enable or disable the newly launched WhatsApp Disappearing Messages feature on their iOS phones by following the same steps.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 19, 2020 03:40 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).