Facebook-owned WhatsApp recently started sending out a privacy update notification to its users making clear that it will be sharing user's data with Facebook. This message gets popped up sometimes suddenly when the app is opened. This message has sparked doubt in people's mind which has led them to look elsewhere for a more secure way of communication. Many users have reportedly switched to other social media apps like Telegram and Signal. A couple of days ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk Tweeted which simply stated 'Use Signal'. WhatsApp Private Group Chat Invite Links Seen on Google Search Again.

Signal (Photo Credits: Google Play Store)

Signal has gone mainstream after WhatsApp's new privacy policy update. It is known for its end-to-end encryption and an option for activists, hackers and those who are concerned about privacy when it comes to communication. So what is Signal? Signal is free privacy-focused messaging and voice talk app that was founded in 2014 and is supported on both Android and iOS. Just like WhatsApp and other apps, users can send text, make voice & video calls, groups video calls, use emojis or stickers. But the difference between Signal and other apps is its private and uses end-to-end encryption for messages and media shared between users.

Signal (Photo Credits: Google Play Store)

Signal does not have WhatsApp-like fancy customisation options like backgrounds but it is reportedly said to be safer than WhatsApp because it uses the mobile number as contacts, like for WhatsApp, it requires the internet to send private or group messages to other users. Signal can not decrypt, that means it can not access the content shared via messages or calls. This app comes with a few privacy features such as Screen Lock, Relay Calls and more.

Signal (Photo Credits: Google Play Store)

Signal users can turn off link previews from websites whenever they receive a message, other features include turn off 'Read Receipts', option to turn on 'Relay Calls' that prevents users IP address from getting exposed. Signal also allows users to turn off the indicator that is shown to another person when you are typing. The signal app can be downloaded via Google Play Store and Apple App Store and it is easy to find because it is sitting right at the top of the store.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 11, 2021 05:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).