Mumbai, January 2: Last month, Vodafone Idea (Vi) announced the successful rollout of its 5G services in India as per the MRO guidelines. In an update on X (formerly Twitter), the telecom company said that they are working towards a full-scale 5G launch for all users soon. Now, it is learned that Vodafone Idea is planning to disrupt the 5G market by offering plans which will be cheaper than its competitors.
According to a report in India Hood, Vodafone Idea or Vi as it is popularly called, is all set to launch its 5G mobile broadband services in the month of March with an aim to capture market share. It is reported that Vi is planning to offer 5G plans that will be 15 per cent cheaper than its competitors and industry giants Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel. Vodafone Idea Rolls Out 5G Services in India Following MRO Guidelines.
How Will Vi Launch Its 5G Services Across India
The strategic move by Vodafone Idea is aimed at regaining customers who have switched to its competitors. As per the report, Vi is aiming to roll out its 5G services across 75 major cities within its 17 priority telecom circles. This move is aimed at focusing on areas with high data consumption. It is also reported that the telecom provider has been backed by significant financial support as it secured INR 24,000 crore in equity funding recently.
Notably, Vodafone Idea is also planning to raise an additional INR 25,000 crore in debt. The funding will help the telecom provider to facilitate the establishment of approximately 75,000 5G sites over the next three years. Vodafone Idea's strategy to offer plans 15 per cent cheaper than its competitors is expected to trigger a price war in the telecom sector. While the aggressive pricing by Vi is expected to disrupt the 5G market, the move will only benefit consumers. 4G, 5G Investment Boost: Government Decision To Waive Bank Guarantee for Telecom Industry Comes As Major Relief for Boosting Networks, Says Vodafone Idea.
Jio and Airtel Dominating 5G Market at Present
At present, industry giants Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel are dominating the 5G market with 148 million and 105 million users, respectively, until September 2023. On the other hand, Vodafone Idea, with the launch of its 5G mobile broadband services, is aiming to disrupt the market and bridge the gap with its competitors.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 02, 2025 08:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website