Vivo India has silently added a new Vivo Y71 smartphone to its lineup for the domestic market. Priced at Rs. 10,999, the newly launched Vivo Y71 comes with features such as FullView 18:9 Display, narrow bezels, face unlock and much more. The smartphone will be retailed in the Indian market via offline as well as online channels. The device will be available for purchase from April 14 through offline medium, however, the online sale for the handset through Vivo E-store, Flipkart, Amazon, and Paytm Mall will commence from April 16. Read Also: Moto G6, G6 Play and G6 Plus Likely to be launched on April 19; Expected Price, Features, Specifications & More
The main underline of the newly launched Vivo Y71 is the Face Access feature that can unlock the device facial recognition technology. Apart from face unlock technology, the smartphone is capable of performing other functions like smart low volume when a user is looking at the screen and the smartphone automatically lowers the volume of incoming calls, alarms and message alerts. The smartphone comes in 2 color options - Gold and Matte Black. See Also: OnePlus 6 Yet Again Teased Ahead of Launch Underneath OnePlus 5T; Might Get Repositioned Alert Slider & View Pic
On the specification front, the newly launched Vivo Y71 smartphone comes loaded with Android 8.1 Oreo operating system along with custom FunTounch skin on top. Powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 SoC, the smartphone gets 3GB of RAM, 6-inch FullView display with 18:9 aspect ratio and 16GB of on-board storage capacity and much more. The company claims that the smartphone has screen-to-body ratio of 84.4 per cent and it displays 12.5 per cent more than the standard 16:9 aspect ratio devices. The device is fitted with a 3360mAh battery under the hood. Also See: Moto G6 Play Image & Specifications Leaked Ahead of Launch; Reveals 18:9 Display, Dual Camera & More
For optics, the new Vivo Y71 smartphone gets 13MP primary shooter with PDAF at the rear along with a 5MP secondary camera for selfie. As claimed by the company, the rear shooter fitted in the smartphone gets a lighting optimisation feature which helps in delivering crispy and good quality images under low light conditions. The front camera, on the other hand, comes with AI Beauty feature that easily identifies details such as age, gender, skin tone and more.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 13, 2018 02:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website