Paris, September 6: Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said he was still trying to understand what happened in France and why he was arrested. However, he assured that after hearing the concerns, he made his personal goal to prevent the abusers on his app from interfering in the future. Pavel Durov shared his experience when he was arrested and detained in Paris and questioned by French authorities. The authorities said he would be personally held responsible for other people's illegal use of Telegram. 

Pavel Durov posted a message on his "Du Rove's Channel" on Telegram explaining the situation of exactly what happened to him during his arrest in Paris. He said, "Last month I got interviewed by police for four days after arriving in Paris. "He said that French authorities told him to be personally responsible for other people's illegal use of Telegram because they didn't receive any responses from the platform. He listed the reasons why it was surprising to hear from these authorities. Ola CEO Criticises Wikipedia for Not Disclosing Identities of Individuals Who Edited ANI’s Page Even After Court Order, Attacks Elon Musk’s X Too.

Pavel Durov First Reaction and Comment After Arrest

Pavel Durov Shares Message on Telegram Channel, Explains His Arrest in Paris 

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Listing Reasons Over His Arrest in Paris

Telegram CEO said that he was not sold on the fact that the French authorities contacted his platform. He said Telegram had an official representative in the EU who would accept and reply to the request. The email of the representative was available publicly. He said the French authorities could have reached him in numerous ways, as he was a citizen of France; he was also a guest at the French consulate in Dubai. He said he had a personal relationship with the person and helped them establish a hotline with Telegram to deal with the threat of terrorism in the country.

He further said that no innovator would ever build the tools if they knew they would be personally held responsible for the potential abuse of those tools. He said it was a "misguided approach" to charge the platform owner over crimes of third parties. He said establishing a balance between privacy and security would not be easy as the platform needed to comply with several privacy laws and local laws while facing technological limitations. SpaceX Evacuates Employees in Brazil As SC Judge Alexandre de Moraes Orders To Freeze Company’s Assets Amid X Shutdown; Elon Musk Reacts.

"But we've always been open to dialogue," said Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. When the company does not agree with a country's regulatory overbalancing privacy and security, "we are ready to leave that country... We've done it many times." He gave the examples of Russia and Iran. He said that due to having over 950 million users on Telegram, criminals started abusing the platform, but he would personally see through it and improve things for the platform in the future. Amid this announcement, Telegram enabled the users to report any private chats to the moderators.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 06, 2024 11:24 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website