New Delhi, June 29: Snap, the parent company of Snapchat, on Monday announced the arrival of its Spectacles 2 and 3 sunglasses for the first time in India which would be available via Flipkart at a starting price of Rs 14,999 from July 4. According to the company, latest sunglasses capture depth and dimension the way our eyes do, combining innovative design with dual HD cameras to empower creativity in 3D. This new ability provides a rich 3D canvas for self-expression and a suite of new 3D Effects on Snapchat, the company said in a statement. Snapchat Stops Boosting Donald Trump Posts for Inciting ‘Racial Violence’.

"It is great to be able to bring Spectacles to India for the first time. Spectacles are another way to experience Snap's incredible AR capabilities, but also a way to capture a different point of view on the world - your own," Steen Strand, Director Hardware, Snap said in a statement.

Spectacles 3 feature a lightweight steel frame with circular lenses and adjustable acetate tips. Snaps captured using Spectacles 3 transfer in HD to Memories within Snapchat to add new lighting, landscapes, and other magical effects to an entire scene with a swipe. Snaps can also export to Camera Roll as circular, horizontal, square and virtual reality formats for saving, editing, sharing, and reliving, anywhere.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 29, 2020 06:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website