The hunt for aliens or rather any life outside the Earth is constantly on. Time and again we come across genuine and some conspiracy theories that look deeply into creatures or something that even slightly resembles them. And while scientists are gathering evidence regarding living of extra-terrestrials, a footage from years ago has found its genuineness today. The Turkish government has given its authentication for a UFO footage which shows two supposedly alien figures inside.

The recording was made years ago but it needed much examination. The Council for Scientific and Technological Research insisted on studying it deeply and has now concluded the aircraft did not belong to earthlings. This video shows UFO-shaped disk with a transparent cabin in the upper part with two pilots resembling aliens. The conclusion states that the video was not subjected to any editing and the original record and the object present on the video did exist.

Check the video which shows two alien figures on a UFO:

The government agency has said, "Even though a detailed analysis of the footage is conducted, it might still remain unidentified. Hence, other reference objects need to be recorded in the same frame with disputable object and further shootings need to be done by ourselves with special equipment in the same locations and conditions." The filmed video made it to a lot of headlines in Turkey. Called the Kum­burgaz, Turkey UFO incident it had several witnesses from the local village. With the authentic conclusion in place can we say we have finally found the aliens? What do you have to say about this footage? Do you think those are aliens for real?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 07, 2018 11:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website