Get ready for one of the most awe-inspiring celestial spectacles of the year—the Perseid meteor shower. This annual event, renowned for its stunning display of shooting stars, will be visible across the United States and much of the Northern Hemisphere in the coming days. The Perseid meteor shower is named after the Greek hero Perseus. It’s also known as the "tears of St. Lawrence," aligning with the martyrdom of the saint on August 10. This celestial event offers a moment to ponder our place in the universe as we watch the fiery trails of space debris streak across the night sky. As Perseid Meteor Shower 2024 reaches its peak tonight, August 12, here we bring you all the important details you must know to view the shooting stars.

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaking 2024 Date and Timings

The Perseid meteor shower, which spans from mid-July to late August, will reach its peak in 2024 on the night of August 12, continuing into the early hours of August 13. During this peak period, observers can expect to see up to 100 meteors per hour, with the optimal viewing window occurring between midnight and 5:30 AM IST.

Best Viewing Conditions

In North America, the Perseid meteor shower will start becoming visible around 10:00 PM local time. However, the best viewing conditions will be after midnight, once the moon has set. This year, the moon will be in its waxing crescent phase and 50% illuminated, providing excellent dark sky conditions for meteor watching once it dips below the horizon.

Best Spots to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseids are most prominently visible in the Northern Hemisphere, thanks to the trajectory of the Swift-Tuttle comet's orbit. For the best experience, seek out a location away from city lights. Lie flat with your feet facing south and give your eyes about 30 minutes to adjust to the darkness. To preserve your night vision, avoid looking at your phone or any bright lights.

Watch Perseid Meteor Shower Live Streaming:

Meteors are formed from particles left behind by comets and asteroids. As Earth traverses the debris trail left by the Swift-Tuttle comet, these particles enter our atmosphere and burn up, creating the brilliant streaks of light we observe as meteors. Prepare for a night of celestial wonder and make sure you have a comfortable spot and clear skies to fully enjoy the Perseid meteor shower.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 12, 2024 04:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website