Mumbai, July 22: Asteroid 2011 MW1, an asteroid as giant as a building, is approaching the Earth at 28,946 km per hour. According to data from NASA's CNEOS, it will make a close approach at a 2.4 million-mile distance. NASA is alarmed regarding this celestial rock as it approaches. It is projected to pass by Earth on July 25. It will fly at a distance of 4.43 million miles, which is remarkably close. If the asteroid were to deviate from its orbit, the consequences could be frightening and potentially catastrophic for Earth. Let's know if it will hit our planet.

An asteroid is a small, rocky object that orbits the sun. It can be dangerous because if it hits Earth, it can cause significant damage due to its high speed and mass. Such impacts can lead to natural disasters, including massive explosions, tsunamis, and climate change. Giant 96-Foot Asteroid 2024 NM3 To Pass Earth by a Narrow Margin Today, Says NASA; Check Details.

More About Asteroid 2011 MW1

According to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Asteroid 2011 MW1 is a near-Earth object discovered in 2011. This considerable asteroid is approximately 380 feet, which is as large as a skyscraper. It is more significant than other asteroids in our cosmic neighbourhood. It belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids, known for having orbits that cross Earth's path. The asteroid is expected to make its closest approach on July 25, 2024. As calculated by JPL, it will come within the distance of 4.43 million miles. Asteroid 2024 KN1, As Big As Large Airplane, to Zoom Past Earth Today; Know Time and Other Details.

Will Asteroid 2011 MW1 Hit Earth?

The asteroid's speed and timing cause panic, but there is no immediate concern as NASA has confirmed it will create a safe distance as it passes by. NASA is diligently tracking the movement of this asteroid and will take measures before any damage occurs. However, if not taken care of, these asteroids tend to finish the entire human race on the planet.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 22, 2024 09:59 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website