New Delhi, September 24: The State Bank of India (SBI) on Thursday alerted its customers about fake e-mails being sent in the name of the bank by cyber criminals apparently to dupe people. In a tweet, SBI said fraudsters are sending emails to account holders that appear to be from the bank. However, SBI clarified that it is not sending any such emails and asked customers to refrain from clicking on fake emails. SIM Swap Fraud in Pune: CA Duped of Rs 2.2 Lakh on Pretext of Updating 3G SIM to 4G; Here's How to Protect Yourself From This Banking Scam.

"Our customers are receiving fake alert emails from non-existing entities in the name and style of SBI. Kindly refrain from clicking on such e-mails. We never ever send such mails," SBI informed its customers. The bank also asked customers to report at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal if they receive such fake e-mails in the name of SBI. Cyber criminals often send links that appear to be from bank or telecom service provider to dupe people. Is JioG Coming Soon After PUBG Banned in India? Know Truth Behind Viral Trend About Reliance Launching New Mobile Game.

SBI Alerts Customers About Fake E-Mails by Fraudsters:

The links sent by fraudsters carry malware and steal sensitive information from the targetted person's device. Cyber criminals also call people claiming to be the employee of a telecom service provider to carry out SIM swap fraud. They ask for your unique 20-digit SIM number that is printed on the back of the SIM to resolve your issues. Once you share the 20-digit number, the caller will tell you to press 1 or simply authenticate the SIM swap.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 24, 2020 04:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website