Seoul, June 17: Samsung said on Monday it has joined hands with Seoul National University (SNU) to establish a joint research centre focused on artificial intelligence in a way that enhances technology and competitiveness in the sector. Under this partnership, Samsung Electronics' device division, which handles mobile, TV and home appliances, will collaborate with SNU's interdisciplinary AI program to carry out joint projects on advanced AI technologies over the next three years. India Set To Be Sixth Nation To Have Its Own Deep Sea Mission Which Has Potential To Contribute to Overall Growth of Economy: Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh.

According to the company, these projects will focus on in-device AI and multi-modal AI, reports Yonhap news agency. The world's largest smartphone maker has increasingly integrated AI technologies into its latest products, including the Galaxy S24 smartphone. Samsung said it expects this industry-academia collaboration with SNU to help it secure core AI technologies and bolster its product competitiveness in the rapidly evolving AI field. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Says Company May Become For-Profit Corporation: Report.

Additionally, the Samsung-SNU AI lab aims to foster and secure talented human resources for the company, it added. "Through the agreement to establish a joint AI research centre between SNU and Samsung Electronics, we expect to strengthen our technology and product competitiveness in the field of AI and contribute to securing talented people for future AI research," said President Jeon Kyung-hoon at Samsung.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 17, 2024 10:05 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website