Following on the footsteps of other tech companies, Samsung too decided to join the fight against the novel Coronavirus Pandemic. Apart from offering funds, the South Korean tech major will also providing medical supplies like hygiene kits and face masks. According to the report from Cnet, the phone maker is also donating Samsung mobile phones for free to patients in quarantine for helping them keep in touch with their families and friends. Additionally, the company is offering purifiers and other appliances to hospitals and quarantine centres. The company said in an official statement that it is also donating tablets to educational institutes so that the students can learn outside of the classroom amid lockdown situation. Samsung Extends Standard Warranty on All Products

The electronic giant reportedly has donated $29 million to the local government as a helping aid to fight the COVID-19. The deadly disease is taking a toll on the global industry as several companies shuttering operations, stores, offices and manufacturing plants.

Even Samsung decided to close down its factory in Korean for a brief period due to coronavirus. It also made health screenings and temperature checks for employees as mandatory before entering the company premises. The company also implemented deep cleaning at regular intervals.

Samsung has confirmed that its engineering teams are in works with other Korean firms to make face masks. It is also taking additional help in increasing production by enhancing factory layouts and manufacturing processes. Furthermore, the firm extended the warranty and repair services that are affected by the restrictions caused by the Coronavirus.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 03, 2020 01:21 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website