Samsung, the South Korean Smartphone maker has organised its 'Galaxy Unpacked 2021' event tomorrow. The company is expected to launch new Galaxy smartphones including Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21+ and Galaxy S21 Ultra. Ahead of the event, the company has been teasing the upcoming Galaxy S21 series phones on its official Twitter and other social media channels. The new video teaser released by Samsung showcases the camera and S-Pen. Earlier reports have claimed that the S-Pen will be available for purchase separately, but now, a new report suggests that there would be a dedicated room for S-Pen in Galaxy S21 Ultra device. Samsung Galaxy S21 Series Pricing Leaked Ahead of Its Launch.

The 27-second video teaser also reveals the rear side of upcoming phones and a vertically aligned camera setup of Galaxy S21 models. At the end of the video, it suggests S-Pen support that could be available in Galaxy S21 Ultra phone. Several reports have revealed images of Galaxy S21 Ultra cases that do not include an S-Pen holster, this hints that Samsung might sell specific cases with space for S-Pen separately.

Samsung’s Galaxy S21 Series
Samsung’s Galaxy S21 Series (Photo Credits: Lets Go Digital)

The Galaxy Unpacked 2021 event will commence tomorrow at 8 pm IST. In addition to Galaxy S21 series, the company might also launch the Galaxy Buds Pro and Galaxy SmartTag during the event.

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (Photo Credits: Onleaks)

In terms of specifications, Galaxy S21 is likely to come with a 6.2-inch display, the S21+ model could sport a 6.7-inch and the Galaxy S21 Ultra might feature a 6.8-inch display. The high-end model of Galaxy S21 series is expected to come with a 10MP 10x super-telephoto zoom, a 108MP primary snapper and a 10MP 3x telephoto shooter. Pricing and other details of Samsung Galaxy S21 series will be revealed during its launch event.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2021 05:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website