Xiaomi's sub-brand Redmi officially launched its first wearable 'Redmi Smart Band' in India. The fitness band will go on sale in the country tomorrow at 1 pm IST via Amazon.in, Mi.com, Mi Home Stores & offline retail stores. The Redmi Smart Band was initially introduced in China this April at CNY 99 (approximately Rs 1,100). The smart band comes with a colour display, an integrated USB plug for easy charging, heart-rate monitoring & more. Redmi Smart Band Launching Today in India at 12 Noon; Expected Price, Features, Variants & Specifications.

In terms of specifications, Redmi Smart Band features a 1.08-inch Colour OLED display, that makes it larger than the Mi Band 4. Unlike Mi Band 4 that delivers 20 days of battery life, Redmi's Smart Band lasts up to 14 days on a single charge.

Redmi Smart Band Launched in India
Redmi Smart Band Launched in India (Photo Credits: Redmi India)

The Smart Band comes with an optical sensor that allows 24-hour heart-rate monitoring. The Band gets five professional sports modes, sleep quality analysis, calorie & step tracker.

Redmi Smart Band Launched in India
Redmi Smart Band Launched in India (Photo Credits: Redmi India)

The health band also gets a raise-to-wake gesture. Users can raise their wrist to view new messages on the screen without tapping on any button or touching the display.

September 8, 2020

The Smart Band comes with an optical sensor that allows 24-hour heart-rate monitoring. The Band gets five professional sports modes, sleep quality analysis, calorie & step tracker.

Redmi Smart Band Launched in India
Redmi Smart Band Launched in India (Photo Credits: Redmi India)

The health band also gets a raise-to-wake gesture. Users can raise their wrist to view new messages on the screen without tapping on any button or touching the display.

Redmi Smart Band Launched in India
Redmi Smart Band Launched in India (Photo Credits: Redmi India)

Like Mi Band 4, Redmi's fitness Band is 5ATM rated water-resistant. The wearable can resist water in up to 50 metres of depth for 10 minutes. The device can also be worn while swimming or showering.

Redmi Smart Band Launched in India
Redmi Smart Band Launched in India (Photo Credits: Redmi India)

Redmi Smart Band will be offered in Black, Blue, Green & Orange shades. Coming to the pricing, Redmi's new Band Costs Rs 1,599.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 08, 2020 02:11 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).