Xiaomi owned Redmi 9 Power handset is all set to go on sale today in India. As a reminder, the device was launched last week from a starting price of Rs 10,999. The handset will be sold at 12 noon via Amazon India & Xiaomi India's official website. Key specifications of the phone include a 6.53-inch display, Snapdragon 662 SoC, a 48MP quad rear camera & more. Redmi 9 Power First Online Sale Tomorrow at 12 PM IST Via Amazon & Mi.com.
The handset features a 6.53-inch FHD+ dot drop display with a resolution of 2340x1080 pixels & Corning Gorilla Glass display. The smartphone comes powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC coupled with 4GB of RAM & Adreno 610 GPU.
Not sure if you've been able to spot the #GreatConjunction, but we're here to remind you about the first-ever sale of #Redmi9Power. ❤️
The #PowerPacked sale goes live at 12 noon tomorrow. Be sure to get notified here: https://t.co/vrmFIDprvg⚡ pic.twitter.com/zXr0gWjXNI
— Redmi India - #Redmi9Power is Here! (@RedmiIndia) December 21, 2020
For photography, the device gets a quad rear camera setup flaunting a 48MP main camera, an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, a 2MP macro snapper & a 2MP depth sensor. Upfront, there is an 8MP shooter for selfies & video calls.
Redmi 9 Power will be offered in two variants - 4GB RAM + 64GB internal storage & 4GB RAM + 128GB internal storage. The phone packs a 6,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging support. The smartphone also gets Hi-Res audio certified stereo speakers.
Connectivity options include 4G VoLTE, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, Infrared, USB Type-C & a 3.5mm headphone jack. Coming to the pricing, Redmi 9 Power is priced at Rs 10,999 for the 4GB & 64GB model whereas the 4GB & 128GB variant costs Rs 11,999.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 22, 2020 08:55 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).