Realme India has finally launched the new Realme 2 Pro smartphone in India with a starting price of Rs 13,990 that is slated to go on sale via Flipkart on October 11. Offered in three exciting colours - Ice Lake, Blue Ocean and Black Lake, the pro version of Realme 2 is made available in 3 variants - 4GB, 6GB and 8GB. Alongside the flagship device, the Chinese smartphone maker has also launched a new budget-end device called Realme C1 in India. Introduced at an attractive price tag of Rs 6,999, the smartphone is dubbed as 'Mega Display and Mega Battery'. The smartphone comes with a unibody glossy back panel that gives the device a premium appeal. Realme 2 Pro Launched in India Starting From Rs 13,990; Online Sale Starts on October 11 Exclusively via Flipkart.
As far as the specifications are concerned, the new Realme C1 smartphone comes with a 6.2-inch notched fullscreen display. Under the hood, the handset is packed with an octacore Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 chipset that is mated to 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal memory. The device also gets an expandable storage up to 256GB via microSD card. Featuring a triple card slot, the smartphone also gets a dual camera module featuring a 13MP primary sensor along with a 2MP secondary sensor. At the front, the device gets a 5MP AI-enabled front camera for selfies and video calling. Running ColorOS 5.1, the new Realme C1 smartphone is backed by 4230 mAh battery. Live Updates: Realme 2 Pro With 8GB RAM & Dewdrop Notched Display Launched; Prices, Features, Specifications, Variants & More.
On the other hand, the Realme 2 Pro features a 6.3-inch FHD+ display 19.5:9 aspect ratio and 2340 X 1080px of resolution. Under the hood, the smartphone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660AIE chipset that is mated to a 8GB RAM and 128GB inbuilt storage. Samsung Galaxy A7 With Triple Cameras to Go on Sale Today at 2 PM via Flipkart.
For photography, the smartphone comes with a dual camera at the back featuring a 16MP primary lens along with a 2MP secondary shooter. Upfront, the device also gets a 16MP sensor with AI beautification for enhanced selfies. The smartphone will also go on sale on October 11 beside Realme C1 via Flipkart.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 27, 2018 02:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website