New Delhi, April 12: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's advice to us on how the gaming industry should progress in India was inspiring, social media creators said on Friday. Speaking to IANS, Animesh Agarwal, who met the Prime Minister along with other creators, said: "PM Modi's curiosity about our history, background, how we became gamers, details of the gaming industry and his advice to us on how the gaming industry should progress in India was very inspiring."
Apart from Agarwal, creators like Mithilesh Patankar, Payal Dhare, Naman Mathur, Tirth Mehta and others met PM Modi and discussed the rise of the e-gaming industry, aspirations of youth and many more. Talking about the rise of the esports industry in India, Mathur said: "I have been in this industry for five years and seen it grow from a very budding phase and now we have reached the stage where we are having 2.5 crore worth of tournaments in the country." Bogus Phone Operators on DocuBay: US Embassy Screens Documentary Showing Successful US-India Collaboration in Combating Cyber Crime.
As per Invest India data, the online gaming segment is the fourth-largest segment of the Indian Media & Entertainment sector. It is expected to reach Rs 231 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 20 per cent. CERT-In Finds Multiple Bugs in Microsoft Products, Advises Users To Apply Appropriate Security Updates.
Dhare, the only woman gamer present at the table, told IANS: "Meeting PM Modi was like a dream come true. I am glad that I got the opportunity to represent the female gaming community before the Prime Minister of our country." The full episode of the interaction will be released on April 13 on PM Modi’s official social media handles and video-sharing platforms.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 13, 2024 10:46 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website