New Delhi: Chinese smartphone makers including Oppo, Vivo and Realme have shut their factories pending further notice from the state government of Uttar Pradesh. These plants are located in Greater Noida, a suburban city in Uttar Pradesh which is one of the last few states to announce a complete lockdown. As per report, Vivo's India office has mandated 100 per cent of its employees to work from home. Xiaomi Redmi K30 Pro, Redmi K30 Pro Zoom Edition Smartphones Launched: Prices, Features & Specifications.
"Operations in our Greater Noida factory have been suspended as per the directive from the government. Additionally, all Oppo India employees have been advised to work from home until further notice," Global Times quoted Oppo spokesperson as saying.
"Restriction on both international and domestic travel, thermal screening of all individuals at Vivo premises, as well as staggered work from home for teams across functions have been implemented," Vivo India said. "Realme India has suspended production of its manufacturing operations in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh since Saturday. While this will temporarily affect our inventory and supply in the market for some time, the safety of our workforce is of paramount importance to us," Realme said in a statement. Redmi Note 9 Pro Max First Sale Postponed Due To Lockdown In India To Fight Against Coronavirus.
Additionally, Realme has also suspended all its acitivities in factories until further notice. Meanwhile, Manu Jain, Vice President, Xiaomi and Managing Director, Xiaomi India, said that its corporate offices, warehouses, service centers, Mi Home facilities and factories will follow lockdown orders of the state and union territories. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said the number of positive cases due to the coronavirus outbreak has risen to 519 across the country. Kerala, with 87, pushed ahead of Maharashtra that has reported 86 cases.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 25, 2020 09:38 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website