New Delhi, April 22: Chinese handset maker OPPO on Monday launched a budget-friendly A5s smartphone in India for Rs 9,990. The OPPO A5s features waterdrop screen and runs on MediaTek Helio P35 chipset. The device is powered by a robust 4230mAh battery and has Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm optimisation to reduce power consumption, the company said in a statement. The A5s comes in 2GB RAM+32GB ROM variant and 4GB RAM+64GB ROM version and the latter would be available in green and gold colour starting next month on both online and offline channels. Realme 3 Pro With Snapdragon 710 SoC Launched at Rs 13,999.

With the launch of OPPO A5s, we aim to push the envelope further by giving our users more power with advanced technology at a budget friendly price point," said Charles Wong, CEO, OPPO India and President OPPO South Asia.

There's a 6.2-inch LCD waterdrop screen with an aspect ratio of 19:9. The A5s is packed with an 8MP front camera with F/2.0 aperture. At the rear is a 13MP+2MP dual camera system. It is the first smartphone in India which is powered by a MediaTek Helio P35 processor. A MediaTek Helio P35 is an octa-core chipset built on TSMC's advanced "12nm FinFET" node.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 22, 2019 01:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website