New Delhi: Technology brand OnePlus on Monday announced to further deepen its partnership with Flipkart with introducing a budget-friendly Smart TV portfolio. The OnePlus TV Y series 101 cm (40-inch) will be available on the e-commerce platform at an introductory price of Rs 21,999, starting May 26, the company said in a statement. The introductory price offer will be available till May 31. OnePlus TV Y Series has seen great reception in India in the affordable smart TV segment. OnePlus TV 40Y1 With Android TV 9.0 Launched in India at Rs 23,999; First Online Sale on May 26, 2021.
"Our journey with Flipkart began in 2020, and we already witnessed this partnership enable a large section of consumers to gain greater access to innovative technology," said Vikas Agarwal, General Manager, OnePlus India.
All Entertainment. No Bezels. #ComingSoon
— OnePlus India (@OnePlus_IN) May 22, 2021
"Coupled with insights from Flipkart, our affordable payment constructs and pan-India supply chain reach, we are confident of bringing OnePlus' rich viewing experience to the doorstep of millions of our customers," said Hari G. Kumar, Vice-President at Large Appliances, Flipkart.
"With two full range 20W box speakers and Dolby Audio enhancement, the OnePlus TV Y Series delivers crystal clear sound quality," the company said.
The OnePlus TV Y Series (40-inch) offers a wide range of shades, colour space mapping, noise reduction, anti-aliasing and dynamic contrast. The TV is equipped with a screen-to-body ratio at over 93 per cent for better viewing experience. It is powered by Android TV 9 and is integrated with Google Assistant in several languages.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 24, 2021 02:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website