OnePlus 6 is the newest flagship from the Chinese smartphone maker for the year 2018 which was launched on May 16 globally. However, the Indian and China market saw the roll out of the smartphone on the next day - May 17. Packed with stellar specifications and attractive price tag of Rs. 34,999, the smartphone also comes with many handy features. One such feature which is very much popular on Android as well as iOS devices is Face Unlock, seems to be caught into a controversy. A video has emerged on the internet that involves a user unlocking the recently launched OnePlus 6 smartphone by placing a printer form of the registered face.
I printed my face to unlock my OnePlus 6 for the lulz... it worked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
— rik (@rikvduijn) May 29, 2018
Going by the video uploaded on Twitter by a user - @rikduijn, the OnePlus 6 smartphone can be fooled easily for unlocking the device with a printed form of the registered face. While the user shows the easy unlocking of Face unlock feature, but the same cannot be verified as it didn’t show the unlocking process. Moreover, the video also doesn’t reveal the registered face of the actual person or same printed sheet of paper.
Also, the company has issued a statement regarding the same which states that, "We designed Face Unlock around convenience, and while we took corresponding measures to optimise its security we always recommended you use a password/PIN/fingerprint for security. For this reason Face Unlock is not enabled for any secure apps such as banking or payments. We're constantly working to improve all of our technology, including Face Unlock." OnePlus Silently Disabled ‘Always on Display’ in the Very First Update Over Battery Saving Concern – Report.
With an official statement issued by the company regarding Face Unlock feature, it is quite evident that the facial recognition technology in OnePlus is not at par in comparison to other OEM technologies like Apple's Face ID or Samsung's Intelligent Scan. OnePlus’ Face Unlock feature was initially rolled on OnePlus 5T last year and later back-ported to previous devices such as OnePlus 5, OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 31, 2018 11:34 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website