Netflix, Hotstar to Censor Content in India to Avoid Government Regulation, Says Report

The reason seen behind the companies trying to adopt an unofficial censorship code are the recent controversies that Netflix and other video streaming sites have come under in India as a certain section allege that the online video streaming company promotes 'nudity and vulgarity'.

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Netflix, Hotstar to Censor Content in India to Avoid Government Regulation, Says Report

The reason seen behind the companies trying to adopt an unofficial censorship code are the recent controversies that Netflix and other video streaming sites have come under in India as a certain section allege that the online video streaming company promotes 'nudity and vulgarity'.

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Netflix, Hotstar to Censor Content in India to Avoid Government Regulation, Says Report
Netflix and Hotstar may soon censor content in India, says report | Representative Image | (Photo Credits: File Image)

Mumbai, January 17: On demand video streaming giant Netflix and homegrown video app Hotstar might soon adopt an unofficial voluntary censorship code so as to avoid government censorship in the future, according to news agency Reuters. Netflix Becomes World’s Most Valued Entertainment Company, Surpassing Disney.

The move is seen as a strategic step by the video streaming companies to keep the government away from censoring content, and streamline the video contents as per the laws of domestic market. Netflix Streaming Consuming 15 Percent of Worldwide Internet Bandwidth, Says Study.

However, Reuters reported that Amazon Prime will not to be party to the self-censorship plan, as it does not want to participate in an non-government, unofficial censorship code. Twitterati Is In Love With Netflix New Web Series Sex Education So Much So That They're Already Awaiting Season 2!

The reason seen behind the companies trying to adopt an unofficial censorship code are the recent controversies that Netflix and other video streaming sites have come under in India as a certain section allege that the online video streaming company promotes "nudity and vulgarity." Sacred Games: 5 Indian Fiction Novels We Want Netflix To Adapt Next After Saif Ali Khan - Nawazuddin Siddiqui's Series.

Netflix in particular was at the center of a political storm after their highly successful and first original web-series Sacred Games was accused of insulting former prime minister and late Congress leader Rajiv Gandhi. Star India's Channels in the US Will Be Streaming Only on Hotstar And No Other Cable Operators From January 5, 2019.

According to the report, Justice for Rights Foundation, a local non-profit group, had filed a case against the video streaming companies Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar and Netflix. The NGO reportedly filed the case citing nudity shown on the web series of the video sites and asked for a stronger regulation for the online content, reported Reuters. The case is still pending with the court.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 17, 2019 10:58 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Mumbai, January 17: On demand video streaming giant Netflix and homegrown video app Hotstar might soon adopt an unofficial voluntary censorship code so as to avoid government censorship in the future, according to news agency Reuters. Netflix Becomes World’s Most Valued Entertainment Company, Surpassing Disney.

The move is seen as a strategic step by the video streaming companies to keep the government away from censoring content, and streamline the video contents as per the laws of domestic market. Netflix Streaming Consuming 15 Percent of Worldwide Internet Bandwidth, Says Study.

However, Reuters reported that Amazon Prime will not to be party to the self-censorship plan, as it does not want to participate in an non-government, unofficial censorship code. Twitterati Is In Love With Netflix New Web Series Sex Education So Much So That They're Already Awaiting Season 2!

The reason seen behind the companies trying to adopt an unofficial censorship code are the recent controversies that Netflix and other video streaming sites have come under in India as a certain section allege that the online video streaming company promotes "nudity and vulgarity." Sacred Games: 5 Indian Fiction Novels We Want Netflix To Adapt Next After Saif Ali Khan - Nawazuddin Siddiqui's Series.

Netflix in particular was at the center of a political storm after their highly successful and first original web-series Sacred Games was accused of insulting former prime minister and late Congress leader Rajiv Gandhi. Star India's Channels in the US Will Be Streaming Only on Hotstar And No Other Cable Operators From January 5, 2019.

According to the report, Justice for Rights Foundation, a local non-profit group, had filed a case against the video streaming companies Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar and Netflix. The NGO reportedly filed the case citing nudity shown on the web series of the video sites and asked for a stronger regulation for the online content, reported Reuters. The case is still pending with the court.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 17, 2019 10:58 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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Amazon Prime Video Limits Device Access: New Rules Allow Streaming on Only 5 Devices, Including 2 TVs, Starting January 2025; Check Details

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