New Delhi: Motorola on Monday launched the clamshell smartphone 'Motorola Razr 5G' as an enhanced and powerful successor of the earlier generation Razr in India for 1,24,999. Motorola Razr 5G will be available in an ultra-sophisticated and uber premium polished graphite colour, starting October 12, at retail stores and online on Flipkart. The effective price will be Rs 1,14,999 for the HDFC credit card and debit/credit card EMI transactions with a 10,000 Instant discount/cashback offer, the company said in a statement.

"Designed to withstand up to 2,00,000 flips along with a water repellant design, the Razr 5G is not just more durable but packs best in class, pioneering and game-changing features across the board,'' the company said.

Motorola Razr 5G
Motorola Razr 5G (Photo Credits: Motorola)

The device features a 6.2-inch display with a screen resolution of 876×2142 pixels and 373ppi pixel density. There's also a 2.7-inch outer display with a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels and 370ppi pixel density. It comes with a 48MP rear camera as well as a 20MP selfie snapper.

Motorola Razr 5G
Motorola Razr 5G (Photo Credits: Motorola India)

Motorola Razr 5G comes equipped with a Snapdragon 765G chipset paired with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage space. The smartphone houses 2800mAh battery and comes with Android 10, with 2 assured OS upgrades and three years of security upgrades.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 06, 2020 10:22 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website