New Delhi, June 29: Meta said that it took down over 15.6 million pieces of bad content across 13 policies for Facebook and more than 5.8 million pieces of objectionable content across 12 policies for Instagram in India in May. In May, Facebook received 22,251 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism and said that it provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 13,982 cases.

These include pre-established channels to report content for specific violations, self-remediation flows where they can download their data, avenues to address account hacked issues, etc, Meta said in its monthly report in compliance with the IT (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. Meta AI on WhatsApp: How To Use Meta AI on WhatsApp on Mobile and Web; Check Details.

"Of the other 8,269 reports where specialised review was needed, we analysed content as per our policies and took action on 5,583 complaints in total. The remaining 2,686 grievances were reviewed but may not have been actioned," Meta added.

On Instagram, the company received 14,373 reports through the Indian grievance mechanism. "Of these, we provided tools for users to resolve their issues in 7,300 cases," it said. Of the other 7,073 reports where the specialised review was needed, Meta analysed the content and took action on 4,172 complaints in total. The remaining 2,901 reports were reviewed but may not have been actioned. Under the new IT Rules 2021, big digital and social media platforms, with more than 5 million users, have to publish monthly compliance reports. Instagram New Feature Update: Meta-Owned Photo and Video Sharing App Introduces AI Studio for Creators To Develop AI Chatbot Versions of Themselves; Check Details.

"We measure the number of pieces of content (such as posts, photos, videos or comments) we take action for going against our standards. Taking action could include removing a piece of content from Facebook or Instagram or covering photos or videos that may be disturbing to some audiences with a warning," said Meta.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 29, 2024 07:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website