New Delhi, Jan 9: LAVA, an Indian mobile phone company, on Thursday launched 'Lava A5' Republic Day limited edition feature phone for Rs 1,449. The phone is currently available offline and the customers will be able to purchase it online from January 16 onwards. The device comes with a 2.4-inch display and dual SIM support. The phone is embedded with 1,000 mAh Li-ion battery supported with super battery mode, which aims to last up to 3 days with a single charge. Lava Z41 Entry Level Smartphone With 5-inch Display Launched in India At Rs 3899; Prices, Features & Specifications

It is also equipped to support incoming texts in 22 languages, also enabling users to type in 7 languages including English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Gujarati and Punjabi. The phone comes with a 0.3MP primary camera with zoom and video recording feature. In addition, the phone features instant torch, wireless FM with recording, USB connectivity and bluetooth make this a multiple purpose and a user friendly handset.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 09, 2020 03:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website