New Delhi, Dec 10: Xiaomi-backed wearable brand Huami on Tuesday launched Amazfit GTR 47mm Titanium version and 42 mm Glitter Edition smartwatch in India. The 47.2mm (Titanium) and 42.6mm (Glitter edition) are priced at Rs 14,999 and Rs 12,999 respectively, will be available on Flipkart. "With the launch of Amazfit GTR 47 Titanium and GTR 42 Glitter edition, we are setting the pace of revolution in the category and establishing a strong foothold in the smart wearable market. We aim to make our product line accessible to the masses across the fitness and fashion segment," Mark Mao, Vice President of Overseas Business, Huami, said in a statement. Huami Amazfit GTS Smartwatch With AMOLED Display Launched in India at Rs 9,999; Price, Features & Specifications

The Amazfit GTR 47 version is equipped with 24 days battery life with 1.39-inch AMOLED display while 42 version supports 12 days battery life with 1.2-inch AMOLED display. Huami Amazfit Verge Smartwatch Launched in India; To Be Available Via Amazon For Rs 11,999

Both smartwatches have Corning Gorilla 3 tempered glass with anti-fingerprint coating. Also features accurate heart rate monitoring, sedentary reminders, sleep analysis, exercise tracking and more. The smartwatch can showcase notifications, reminders, texts, and incoming calls. Users can also use the watch for weather information on the go, music, and a built-in compass. Additionally, it comes with 12 different sports mode, with impressive battery life, NFC and has an air pressure sensor as well.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 10, 2019 08:11 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website