Honor has finally revealed its new flagship smartphone Honor Play at an event held in New Delhi today. Built for gamers, the smartphone comes with the flagship processor Kirin 970 SoC at a price tag of Rs 23,999. The sale will start today at 4 pm exclusively on Amazon.in. The device is available in two colour skins: Midnight Black and Navy Blue. The phone also gets a base model of 4 GB RAM variant priced at Rs 19,999. Fused with AI and GPU Turbo technology, Honor Play smartphones is a cheaper option as compared to its competitors Asus ROG, Razer Gaming Phone and Xiaomi Black Shark devices. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Pre-order Page Accidentally Goes Live; Taken Down Later On.

Honor Play Smartphone Event

Coming to the specifications, the device is powered by the latest in-house octa-core processor Kirin 970 which powers both its 4 GB RAM and 6 GB RAM models. On the storage side, the phone comes with a 64 GB internal storage expandable up to 256 GB. The smartphone features a 6.3-inch FHD+ display with resolutions of 2340 X 1080 pixels and a 19.5:9 aspect ratio. A 3,750 mAh battery, with fast-charging support, keeps the device ticking. Honor Note 10 With 5000 mAh Battery and Turbo Technology Launched in China; Prices, Features & Specifications.

Honor Play Smartphone

On the optics side, the phone has a dual camera setup at the rear with 16MP + 2MP sensors. Whereas, at the front, it carries a 16MP lens for selfies and video calling. Enhanced with AI technology, the camera features screen recognition for up to 22 objects and over 500 scenarios. For video recordings, it has the Electronic Image Stabilisation (EIS), portrait mode and AI gallery classifications. You Can’t Pay for Frappuccinos with Bitcoin, Starbucks Denies to Accept Cryptocurrency as Payment.

Coming to multimedia features, the device supports 3D surround sound and 4D smart shock for an immersive gaming experience. Apart from that, with the GPU Turbo technology, the smartphone is claimed to boost performance by 60 percent and with 30 percent less power consumption.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 06, 2018 12:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).