Honor, a sub-brand of Huawei launched its new budget-friendly smartphone Honor 7A last month. Priced at Rs. 8,999, Honor 7A has commenced its first flash sale via Flipkart today at 12 noon, has been reported to be out of stock within 2 minutes of the sale. While the smartphone device offered No Cost EMI with HDFC Bank Credit Cards and Bajaj Finserv EMI Cards. The consumer will also get Rs 2,200 cashback with 44 months of validity and 50 GB additional 4G data for Reliance Jio users. The next flash sale will initiate on June 5.

With results of the fast sale Vice President, Sales, Huawei Consumer Business, P Sanjeev said, "This reaffirms our strong position in the Indian market and gives us the confidence to continue launching top best-in-class products for our consumers in the time to come,"

Talking about the specification, Honor 7A sports a 5.7-inch HD+ display (1440×720 pixels) powered with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 octa-core processor. The device packs 3GB RAM with 32GB internal storage memory. As for the optics, the rear is loaded with 13MP+2MP dual-lens and 8MP at the front. The camera supports features like Bokeh mode, geo-tagging, touch focus, face/smile detection, panorama, and HDR. As for the OS, it supports Andriod Oreo and is backed with Li-Ion 3,000mAh battery. Honor 7A comes in three colour variants - Black, Gold and Blue.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 29, 2018 05:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).