New Delhi, August 9: Google and Meta are reportedly facing intense criticism after a recent report revealed that the two tech giants had a secret deal to target teenagers with Instagram ads on YouTube. According to reports, Meta and Google may have violated the rules to create a strategy that specifically focused on young users by displaying Instagram ads on YouTube. The revelation has reportedly led to concerns about the ethics of such targeted advertising practices when directed at a younger and more vulnerable audience.

As per a report of Financial Times, Google and Meta struck secret ads deal to target teenagers. Google's advertising system, which typically includes users whose age or gender is not identified. However, The ads were directed at a specific group labelled as "unknown" in Google's advertising system to target teenagers on YouTube with Instagram ads., as per a report of India TodayGoogle DeepMind AI Robot Plays Table Tennis Like a Human, Becomes First AI Agent To Reach Amateur Human-Level Performance in the Sport (Watch Video).

Google could accurately estimate that these "unknown" users were indeed teenagers based on their online activities and app downloads. This tactic allowed Meta and Google to bypass restrictions that Google had implemented in 2021, which were designed to prevent ads aimed at minors. According to reports, the campaign was organised with the assistance of Spark Foundry, an advertising agency based in the United States. The campaign was first launched in Canada and then tested in the United States in May, with a plan for a global rollout.

Meta, the company behind platforms like Facebook and Instagram, made some changes to its advertising system in 2023. One of the changes they implemented was removing the ability to target users under the age of 18 based on their gender. Meta reportedly stated that this update was done to make sure that teenagers only see advertisements that are appropriate for their age and are relevant to the products and services available in their location. Meta Launches Llama Impact Grants Programme in India To Expand AI Opportunities Globally.

Google reportedly took immediate action by launching an investigation and ultimately cancelling the program when the campaign was exposed. The tech giant also assured the public that they would strengthen their policies and communicate them effectively to their sales teams to prevent any future attempts to bypass these rules.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 09, 2024 02:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website