New Delhi: Smart wearables maker Garmin on Wednesday launched smartwatch Venu Sq and the Venu Sq Music Edition in India. The new series Venu Sq will be available for Rs 21,090 and the Venu Sq Music will cost 26,290, the company said in a statement. The new Venu Sq series has over 20 built-in indoor and outdoor sports apps including pilates, yoga, strength training, running, pool swimming, cycling, golf and more. Adding more to it, the Music edition features on-device music storage for phone-free listening. Garmin Solar-Powered Smartwatches Launched in India at Rs 42,090.

Apart from the sports app, the smartwatch also comes loaded with health monitoring features including advanced sleep, respiration tracking, abnormal heart rate alerts (high and low), menstrual cycle tracking, stress tracking with relax reminders, hydration tracking and more. Bringing more convenience to the users, the Venu Sq supports battery life of up to six days in smartwatch mode, and up to 14 hours in GPS mode.

In addition, with Venu Sq Music Edition, download songs or playlists, including those from third-party music services like Spotify and Amazon Music right to the wrist. The new smartwatches will be available online on, Myntra, Flipkart, Tata CliQ, Paytmmall and offline on Helios Watch Stores, Garmin Brand Stores-Pan India.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 12, 2020 09:10 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website