FraudSentinel is an Israeli company that specializes in detecting bots crawling the web. Bots are pieces of software that mimic human interaction with web sites to complete tasks. For example, last holiday bots were sent to the big retail stores online to buy as many PlayStation 5’s as possible. The result was that consumers had no choice but to pay extra dollars on auction sites to acquire the gaming console.

This week, FraudSentinel demonstrated it’s latest achievement, bots against bots. The general idea is to send good bots to spy on the bad bots on the networks they live in. This is not simple, first one must identify the networks that allow this kind of activity, and then good bots need to be sent to bypass their protection and spy on those networks.

David Allouch, the team leader of the project is a known and respected white-hat hacker and is not new at bypassing protections. According to him “The data collected by his bots are so dynamic, and unique that he feels confident that the largest part of his competition has no access to this kind of information.”

“The information is so crucial to the protection of retail websites that we are thinking about making it available to other solution providers.” He said.

For now, most of the existing bot protection solutions rely on standard data collected and provided by organizations. The current clients of FraudSentinel are using such data but the company is confident that within a few months, the treasure trove they are currently mining is going to be incorporated in their solutions. The new technology is currently tested by selected clients who agreed to participate in the experiment.

The team behind the project works with a sense of pride, they clearly want to help big and small retail web sites alike which explains why they made a free version of the detection that can be easily incorporated in any web site. The goal being to reach a point of collaboration and integration with so many solutions that no bad bots will be able to operate online.

About FraudSentinel

Located in Israel, the company was founded in 2019, and started as a hobby from Network Security specialists. Prior to FraudSentinel, the team has been involved in many kinds of projects in network and web security, from creating one of the first web application firewalls, to participating in the development of virus detection technologies used until now by millions of users.