With this ongoing trend of Digital influencers and digital content creation, the story of Saumya Chaudhary caught our eye. She is an Instagram enthusiast and founder of backyardblender.com, a digital blogging website about fashion, food, travel and much more. Her journey of two and a half years in this profession is truly a roller coaster ride. She shared all the names and people who made her blog a big success.
Scroll down for excerpts from her interview.
From being a qualified engineer to an outstanding blogger, how the twist came?
Haha, you must have heard lots of meme of engineers not doing what they suppose do. I mean it’s true that today every second person is an engineer, maybe because they think it is an easy option or has been told by parents for not having a plan of their own. But I had my plans which couldn’t be fulfilled that time. I wanted to do something creative. May be architecture, designing .. I don’t know I was confused . After being refused to pursue a career in music. The only option I have been left with is engineering because of the choice of the stream (PCM) previously. And the only choice I was given is to choose my stream in engineering. I choose computer science not because it was in high demand because that was the only subject I was good at as per other options available. I joined my college and I hated engineering, each day I use to think what am I doing? I could have done something else if I showed some courage. Then I have been introduced to the blogging world and its scope by my dear friend “Mansi Meshram”. She was also looking for her life purpose and we together started this blog called “Backyardblender” in 2017. Later, I gained more interest in this field and came to know about the power of social media. Then I decided to continue it further with my friend’s support and motivation. And within a year I reached the milestone of 50k followers on Instagram which I decided in my mind for continuing it after college as a full-time career.
What is the story behind the name “Backyardblender”?
Actually the name “Backyardblender" is also accidentally like my choice of career as a blogger. It has a very funny story behind it. So basically Mansi and I were looking for some unique name for our new venture and She gave me some name which was already taken but by that time I already made the logo. (which was pathetic and I thought it’s cool :P) So the initials came out to be “BYB” and we searched for BYB abbreviation full from on google. I know that’s the lamest thing on one can do, but we did. Then some awkward words came from that we liked “backyard” for “BY” but we were still left to name “B”, then I added “blender” to it. And it totally solved the purpose. We did very basic backyard things mostly DIY and talked about comfortable fashion. Our first blog was “How to choose the right background for pictures” and started with college bricky walls. :D So yeah, that’s how Backyardblender made its digital debut.
Do you think engineering was a total waste and if not done could have saved some years?
Umm, maybe it’s partially correct but I believe everything happens for a cause and we need to read the signs. If I haven’t done engineering then I had to hire someone or get some technical help from outside which would have cost me a lot at that time as I did everything on my own. I didn’t take any penny from my parents for this. I used all of my technical knowledge to start this blog. Of course, I had taken help from my college friends Saurabh Verma and Mayank Rathi for completely monetising it. Both had great technical skills and knowledge and supported me to greater extents. I am so grateful of all my friends whom I found through engineering. I found life long friends like Mansi and Rajnish so it was not a total waste.
Website : https://backyardblender.com/
Instagram : Saumya_somi
Facebook : Backyardblender