Sriperumbudur, June 25: In a surprising turn of events, Foxconn has reportedly rejected two Indian female candidates who applied for jobs at the company's Sriperumbudur smartphone plant in Chennai. According to a report, Apple suppliers turned down the job applications of Parvathi and Janaki because they were married. Parvathi and Janaki both appeared for an interview at Foxconn's plant in March 2023.

Reuters reported that these Indian women went to Foxconn interview after watching job ads on WhatsApp in March last year. After arriving at the main gate, Parvathi and Janaki were stopped by a security officer and were asked. "Are you married?" Surprisingly, these two Indian women already knew that the company would not hire married women. The rickshaw driver, who had picked them up from the bus stand and dropped them at the main gate of the Foxconn facility, informed them that the Apple supplier would not take married women. Apple Meta Partnership Did Not Reach Its Final Stage To Integrate AI to iPhone and Other Devices Due to Privacy Concerns: Report.

Despite knowing this, Parvathi and Janaki thought about giving it a try. However, it did not turn out well. They were rejected to work at the iPhone assembly plant. In an interview, Parvathi opened up about this incident and said she and Janaki were not selected because they were married. Reuters investigated the issue and discovered that Apple's supplier, Foxconn, systematically excluded married women from working at the plant, considering they might have more family responsibilities than unmarried candidates.

Clarifying this incident, Foxconn India's former HR executive, S. Paul, said that the company "does not hire" married women due to cultural issues and the pressures of society. According to a report, S. Paul left the company in August 2023 to look for a better-paying role at a consulting firm. He further explained that in Foxconn's view, there were many issues associated with post-marriage; among these, the prime was women having babies. S. Paul said that Apple's supplier generated thoughts that risk factors would increase the hiring of married women. 

The report highlighted specific reasons for not hiring married women at Foxconn, such as family duties, pregnancy issues, and increased absenteeism. Another factor highlighted by the report was the jewellery worn by Hindu women, which could interfere with the production process. The company's code of conduct reportedly states that there should not be any discrimination towards workers based on their marital status. European Union Accuses Microsoft of Beaching Antirust Rules With Abusive Bundling of Teams and Office Products.

Foxconn's previous HR executives reportedly told that in Taiwan, women sometimes concealed their marital status to get a job. Apple and Foxconn acknowledged the hiring practice lapses in 2022 and worked to address this issue. However, the companies did not address the discriminatory practices documented by Reuters between 2023 and 2024 and the incident of the plant.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 25, 2024 07:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website